Ethan in Elk Grove
Meet Ethan in person as he explores Elk Grove April 10-13, 2025. Sign up here to receive news and updates on Ethan’s itinerary while he is in Northern California for his Kindness Tour around the United States.
Ethan’s Story
In January of 2021, Ethan was found abandoned in the parking lot of a local animal shelter, severely abused, mistreated, and starved. After weeks of not eating and barely drinking water, his organs and body were shutting down. The large breed of mastiff weighed a mere 38 pounds and was fighting for survival.
Luckily for Ethan, a generous family saw Ethan in the parking lot as they were driving by and notified shelter employees. The animal shelter team rushed Ethan to vet services, where they took immediate action to save the dog’s life. Ethan's low temperature and dehydration were concerning to the vet staff as they treated him with warming blankets, fluids, and a partial bath. That evening, Ethan went home with one of the vet techs but was rushed to the Emergency Room in the middle of the night as his condition worsened. From the night that Ethan was found, he continued to receive constant monitoring from the animal care team. Dr Bewley and Angela Mikesell of the local shelter helped Ethan regain strength and his ability to walk.
Ethan’s spirit inspired those around him, including his eventual adopter, Jeff Callaway, who volunteered tirelessly to help him heal. After weeks of intensive care, Ethan was officially adopted on March 10, 2021, and became a beloved member of the family.
KRS 525.135, Ethan's Law
Ethan's Law, a significant victory for cats and dogs in Kentucky, enhances protections by elevating the intentional torture of a cat or dog from a first-offense misdemeanor to a Class D felony. It also provides a clearer definition of torture, including acts involving physical abuse, restraint, or denying food and water with wanton disregard. Passed after rigorous advocacy by House Representative Susan Tyler Witten and Ethan’s owner, the law moved through the House (79-9) and Senate (30-5) following testimony before both Judiciary Committees, marking a pivotal step in addressing animal cruelty in the state of Kentucky.
EthanAlmighty Mission Statement
It is our belief that every animal deserves to be treated humanely and given every opportunity to live a life in which they are loved, valued and treasured. In order to make this a reality, we are committed to raising awareness of animal abuse and neglect while also shining a light on the challenges faced by animal shelter across the country! Ethan survived horrific abuse and neglect because he received excellent care. The resources he needed to survive were available. For many shelters across the country, this unfortunately is not always possible. Our goal is to travel across the country, visiting shelters in the hope of highlighting their efforts and their needs. Ethan's story will always be our driving force! We are committed to also sharing his message every step of the way. We will spread the 3Cs: kindness, caring and compassion. No, "kindness" does not begin with a "C', but it is our intent that we have captured your attention and you continue the journey with us.